Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Fluffy Mushy Mossy Mass,

do you remember that candyflass?
Bend cannot not help comparing the present Indian electorate with candyfloss; youthful pink, tender like wool, sticky silk, and perceptibly slimy. Available in India in its crowded bazaars and melas, the flass is a ruffle jumble worked like an old Anglican woman’s puff hair is rolled by a pair of dark, sweaty and smelly hands around a thin wooden stick or plastic to be politely served. Then contacted with the mouth the wool shrinks, surprisingly tiny, and not disappointing entirely, leaves a tease of sweet taste. While Bend hates return for his money here, the candyfloss is perhaps a fun recourse to bored children. The grownups like sugar too, and the candyman is selling them ferment, and some other is selling the post fermentation juice. Bend can see this love and dependence in sweet has penetrated into all- physical, psychological, mental and in some cases spiritual levels in to the society kids, grownups and the candymen themselves. All have wound their lives in the Fluffy Mushy Mossy Mass. But, not Bend. 

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