Saturday, 26 January 2013

Aristorcrat and Brat Prolite-rat

1980’s in India, Bend recalls his childhood, and it took a tantrum from the big head kid Bend, a potential aristocrat then, who forced his parents to buy him the attractive looking candy floss he was seeing for the first time. The floss was wrapped around a thin and sinewy straw which was also used in making handles for flower brooms then; an important house commodity then and still, now mostly sold made of plastic. The dark and ragged poor man joyfully sold a sizeable piece of the pink cloud to kid Bend, bigger than his head, making some honest new paisa in return; so, a livelihood through this borrowed innovation. This probably a tribal man carried his establishment on a bicycle, and when selling his goods used to park it with its back wheel on a saddle stand. The English candy he made was sweet, and the first time it made contact with Bend’s lips, the fluffy mass surprisingly melted in Bend’s mouth leaving behind sweet residual particles much fewer than expected.

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