Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Shameless Broadcast of a Road Trip-8

The road just got wider,
maybe smooth and better,
an expensive toll booth,
ten years back one point one hotels are replaced by four,
with their special ace see room.
Arid breeze was breezy anyways,
no bath needed still now fresher in a village,
Patanka we call it and we will always,
friends you meet after long years,
young have grown older,
older could not do better.
They still hold their sun burned clear lined faces,
with same concern and smile,
bidi and chai eagerly they offer.
Cow dung and drains prosperous darken the village,
the excreta still clean, plastics color the mix,
clean breeze cleans all,
even sweat which stays, with,
full of innocence and happiness of the rural,
static and fresh always the air not need a conditioner,
trust open windows no doors and repeating fan.
Sky virgin clean and lake dry with dust,
the rural roads still that curvy and thinner,
a long night sleep, unending open morning,
unended open spaces, fresh air when relieving,
Not hushy the early morning, need to be moving,
people sitting and talking, saying bye, some remembering,
unending lifts they and unending nagging,
sir, see my village too, it is greener,
has same love, peace and stillness where,
Time is to me. Space it’s unto you.

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