Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Thoughts for this Republic Day

Smart people changed the camera angle, and it all started to look different thereafter. Many people I know, many from my family, had lived lives in the republic seeing it from their own personal camera angles and viewpoints. Another viewpoint is reduction of hours spent on celebration of a republic and its showcasing. Now, it looks like a drill, something necessary that is, and a little of entertainment with it. The whole concept of a country, the concept that provides and props and unites amongst many similar things need changing, for the times they are changing. No, I don't have anything new to sing, for it is a wheel, so it will spin. A wheel I agree can be a concept too but when more than a billion unite for ethics and stand for who they are in a righteous manner, become more than humanity. The country or the republic emerges as more than a concept, it becomes more than reality too. A hyper reality. Worth living, I guess. 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Salubrious Air

You have to be in a positive mood to remember the meaning of the word Salubrious; which, in India's cities you cannot; me thinks. And you will agree, the air in the cities here is not salubrious at all; contrary to the explanatory sentence where it uses salubrious as an adjective for air as a noun, or even verb. So, my readers, will you remember the word salubrious, from its Latin original word salus which means "health" from its usage as  'salubrious air' now?

P.S. When writing this blog piece I deliberately typed "salubrious" every time in my text editor so as to better memorize the word salubrious and its spellings.