Thursday 4 November 2010

China make or India make?

Any dog's face, if you stare and observe at the animal will show you how cute or angry or worried it is. Many times he may also convey hope on his face too; usually when you have biscuits or something tasty at bay. Banjo who Bend lives with, gives the same different expressions at different moments to him. Since they both live together, man and dog, Banjo can also easily read Bend’s gestures of love, anger, or worrieness.

It is well documented that Labradors were first reared in NewFoundland (source: Wikipedia) in around 1800AD as waterdogs, and since then have travelled the world afar, making it to one big corner in India its city called Ahmedabad. 2010, Bend cannot gather which route Banjo’s ancestors took, for the friend who had arranged the dog simply refused to divulge his source, ancestral and route details. He said, “I take hundred percent guarantee that it is a Lab. And what more do you want? You wanted a Lab dog and here he is. Look! He is a nice looking one too,” sipping tea.

Both Banjo and Bend, during their Amdavadi morning strolls, when air dew is not yet spoiled by the dusty traffic, frequently encounter other Labradors (Labs) accompanied either with their maaliks or servants. Banjo had been a proud possession to Bend until both had met the biggest Lab of them all – Dg. Sniffer. Surely, Dg. Sniffer is not an exception, because if here in Ahmedabad city, a big Lab double and huger than Banjo and many all the other Labs can exist; it therefore, raises a small fleeting question on the supply source of these increasing numbers of Labradors in the city. Trust Bend, you drive in the new part of the city and in most corners you can see a Labrador being walked.

I wonder if Bend cares, but he assumes that as life changes in the city, individuals do find a good companionship in dogs, and especially Labs, because of their calm relaxed nature, almost zero maintenance, and their ability to express affection when needed. So far so good, but now hearing rumors, Bend is now also diverting his opinion that although Banjo has his roots in Newfoundland- Since a few generations, he and his likes are kind of a dilution, influenced by India or Chinese or other en route genetics. Size is one reason I just mentioned, and the other could be people breeding them in increasing numbers, as giveaway to relatives or for selling in the market. Bend guesses there are more reasons. Take example of Banjo’s actions. Banjo understands the street environment well enough to run, enjoy and play freely on the roads, and not be crushed under a vehicle passing by. He ducks, speeds or adjusts his butt or head accordingly in case the driver has to brake suddenly and thereafter honk. Banjo also has an inherent capacity to judge when to cross roads banks in a flash.

The other thing is Banjo’s eating Habits, Bend notes. Both just love noodles. One should see Banjo waiting persistently in hope for a small doodle of the noodle. And, throw some, he will tilt his head up, fly and grab if needed, and sip the noodle needing help from both tongue and lips.

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