Tuesday 19 May 2009

Prabhakaran is dead

Of the eight elite (the english channels on my sky-tata) this afternoon four were constantly showing the dead body of the man-eater from the National Jaffna park reserve. On all these channels, dead Prabhakaran looked more alive than dead, at least for some moment. Laid on a stretcher, lips upwards, his eyes were open with eyeballs trying to look up, only making half-way because the bullet that had pierced his head was much faster.

Again, the sensationalisation by media persists more on the encounter, the war, the evil, the bad or the good, leaving a much lesser room to observe or talk to the average 5 feet Sri Lankan or Tamil , whatever you want to call them.

Then, comes to mind Kateri Akiwenzie Damn’s last liner in the TOI Ahmedabad edition - "We belong to our land. The land does not belong to us."

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